April 2020 – Our Month of Godly Wisdom & Counsel
From Our Pastor’s Desk
Welcome to this our new Month of Godly Wisdom & Counsel, in Jesus name. Rev. 7:12 – “Saying, A men: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen”
Yes, Wisdom! Having wisdom is important. Wisdom puts all of the puzzles of our lives together in the proper order.
They all fit together in the proper place& order when wisdom arranges the pieces. But where do we get wisdom? Godly wisdom.
The wisdom that God gives. Different from earthly wisdom or wisdom of man. 1st Kings 10:24 says “And all the earth sought to Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart” Man’s wisdom is foolishness to God, but a godly wisdom is above all wisdom of this world.
And counsel provides direction or advice as to a decision or future course of action. Godly counsel is therefore, counsel that God gives & has His hands in, based on His words. Psalms 16:7 says “I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel…”
In this Month of Godly Wisdom & Counsel and beyond, we ask God for His wisdom & counsel so as to apply in our life affairs, daily endeavors, careers, relationships, business ventures, health-related issues, vocations, & our relationship with God.
The Lord will give us godly wisdom, knowledge & understanding to know & declare with boldness His counsel without fear and favor, in Jesus Name.