November 2019 – Our Month of Double for Trouble
From Our Pastors Desk
Welcome to this Our New Month of Double for Trouble, in Jesus name. Trouble is a problem, difficulty or disturbance causing pain, distress, inconvenience or discomfort. And shame is disgrace, a state of dishonor.
For everyone alive, at one stage of our lives or the other, we may have experienced both trouble and shame.
But this is what the Lord said in Isaiah 61:7 – “For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them”
God promises a double portion of everlasting joy, peace, strength, laughter and blessing upon His children, for every shame, confusion, disgrace and/or trouble gone through.
In 2nd Kings 2:9, Elisha asked Elijah “I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me” When someone receives a double portion, he gets a portion (slice, quantity, amount or piece) twice as much as that given to others.
Elisha received his request. The many miracles Elisha performed confirm that he had indeed been granted a double portion. In this month of Double for Trouble & beyond, the Lord will bless every Mercy Seatizen, with double honor, power, grace, increase, joy, promotion and anointing.
He will anoint us with the oil of gladness above our fellows, in Jesus Name. Amen.