
Vessels of God’s Glory

By Sis. Peggy Okeh

Man is a vessel. We as believers were made to be containers of God. In Rom.9:23, Apostle Paul wrote ” ………..and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared be-fore-hand for glory.”

Man is a vessel of clay but he was destined unto honor and unto glory. God formed man as a vessel.
A God-bottle, man is a bottle made of clay by God, not a regular bottle rather a kind of bottle that has something wonderful within it and reflects the glory of God, Gen2:7.

We are vessels unto God so we have to contain enough of God to be able to reflect His glory and be referred to as Vessels of God’s Glory.

Let your life as a believer reflect the glory of God that everywhere you are, it will be impossible for you not to be recognized and distinguished from the rest as a “carrier of God’s glory” or “God’s glory personified.”

Finally, take a moment and look at your life then compare it to a vessel or some vessels in the bible who were prepared and ready to be used by the King of Glory even in the most unsuitable and unfavorable conditions. Matt.1:18-25, tells us about Mary the mother of Jesus.

Take a sneak peek at her response in Luke 1:38 and know what it means to really be a vessel of God’s glory. What attributes did you notice in the lives of the vessels of God in the Bible that you want to incorporate in your own life and be a VESSEL FOR GOD? 

May God grant us Grace to be His vessels without any doubt being a reflection of the Glory of Jesus Christ here on earth, in Jesus Name. AMEN.  You will have good success this 2019. 

Remain blessed.  Shalom.

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