Purposeful Joy
By Sis. Tomisin Ogungbemi
Solid joy is found in walking in the purpose of the master planner (God), John 15: 10-11. We need to understand that God makes all things work together for good to them who love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose Romans 8:28.
If we abide in God, He helps us to find purpose in our moments of trials and confusion. By so doing, we receive the message and beauty from the storm. If the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable!
The major thing that the devil tries to attack is our joy in the Lord because he knows that when we lose joy, we lose strength. The Bible says “the joy of the Lord is our strength”. If we lose strength, we risk becoming weary.
Weariness can make us unfit for God’s purpose for our lives. Our ultimate strength should come from the word of God and abiding by His principles, because the word is God Himself and when we have God in us, we have love which makes joy radiate all over.
The most amazing thing about this purposeful joy is that it is all about God, all we have to do is to position ourselves right to receive this joy.
The outcome of our plan doesn’t define our joy, but to remain in the ultimate plan of the Master and to live for His purpose and glory.
May God engulf us with joy that eliminates confusion and mourning, in Jesus precious name. AMEN.
You will have good success this 2019.
Remain blessed.