No More Excuses
From Our Pastor’s Desk
Luke 14:18 – “And they all with one consent began to make excuse.” In the New Testament, the apostles turned their world and generation upside down with the message of God’s salvation through Jesus Christ.
They were bold, moved by love and desire to see the gospel reach everywhere they could get to. They and their converts faced horrible persecution, were imprisoned and thrown to lions, yet their faith spread throughout the world.
All these, through just 11 dedicated disciples. Today, it’s a different story. The harvest is much more plenteous but laborers are few. Millions of unbelievers go on in their sins, many of whom never hear a Christian witness.
The voices of Christians are scarcely ever noticed but the voices of political radicals, eastern cults, and homosexuality are heard loudly in the streets and in the media.
We now have excuses than ever to not preach the gospel.
“I don’t feel called to do evangelism. That is the work of the evangelist and pastor.
“I’m too busy to do evangelism. My job, my family, and my church activities occupy all my time.”
“You see, some people are extroverts, but I am an introvert, I am shy. So I do not witness to others” And so on.
But “No more excuses”. By His special grace, during our watch, the Great Commission shall not turn to the Great Omission.
We WILL shine our Light, in Jesus Name. Amen.
You will have good success this 2018.
Remain blessed.
Comment (1)
Great read indeed. Thank you Sister Becky and thank you my Pastor