0 Uncategorized From Our Pastor’s Desk – August 2017 – Our Month of God’s Backing August 3, 2017 by RCCG DOMINION MERCY SEAT
0 abide, calmness, God, Lord, peace, prosperity, treaty, trouble, trust, zion Peace Like a River July 20, 2017 by RCCG DOMINION MERCY SEAT
1 constancy, God, heart, peace, puzzle, quality, quantity, trust, understanding Peace of the Puzzle July 14, 2017 by RCCG DOMINION MERCY SEAT
2 disturbance, Jesus, peace, problem, Shalom, storm, trouble The Great Peace of God July 6, 2017 by RCCG DOMINION MERCY SEAT
0 calm, career, emotional, financial, marital, peace, physical, Price, professional, spiritual, storm, storms, trouble The Prince of Peace June 30, 2017 by RCCG DOMINION MERCY SEAT