brisk, Christ, conveyor, devil, disease, effective, excellence sickness, fellowship, God, Health, satan, son, sonship, truth, well-being

Conveyors of God’s Truth

By Sis Christabelle Unobe
 Truth: God has given
us the rights of sonship and has called us into fellowship with His son- Jesus
Christ. 1 Cor. 1:9,1 John3:1-2. 
The devil wants to us believe otherwise. He
paints a brisk mentality of the life God wants us to lead through fear, sin and
afflicting our bodies with sicknesses 
and diseases.  God wants us to
live a  life of excellence, health and
all around  well-being. 
The devil
understands that  an effective way to
keep the children of  God from enjoying
God’s  truth is to keep the believer  out of the knowledge of  his/her personality in Christ.   We cannot lead what we  don’t know, speak or act. 
So he tries to keep
the knowledge of the truth of God’s word out of our lives and keep us
perpetually in bondage and sin. Satan is the accuser of the brethren-Rev.12:10
. When we lead a life of sin, we cannot enjoy the benefits of God to divine
health, prosperity, excellence and longevity. When we go against God’s word, we
lose all rights and protection  and are
open to darts from the adversary-the devil. 
Ecclesiastes 10:8.
You will have good success in 2016
Remain blessed

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