Divine Favor…Defined
From Our Pastor’s Desk
Ruth 2:10 “A t this, she bowed down with her face to the ground. She exclaimed, “Why have I found such favor in your eyes that you no-tice me — a foreigner?”
Hear what Boaz said: ‘make sure you have large amounts of wheat for that woman and make sure nobody harasses her’.
Ruth just realized she was having large amounts of wheat to gather and take home to her mother-in-law.
What can you call that? It is simply favor! This was the favor that Ruth enjoyed while she was a stranger in the land such that when Boaz saw her, something divine and inexplicable happened; the favor of the Lord began to work for Ruth.
God operates behind the scenes without our notice. This same God planted the love for Ruth in the heart of Boaz and his kindness towards her increased all the more and eventually they got married.
The truth you must realize is that a natural man is selfish. It takes only God to put either your name or personality in the mind of someone, that you know or you do not know.
This is beyond human comprehension. Things do not just happen, they are made to happen. Favor is the prerogative of God, so, it cannot be bought with money or fought for, but can be provoked.
Heavenly Father, cloth us with your favor today; let your favor speak for us, in Jesus Name. Amen.
You will have good success this 2021.
Remain blessed.
Comment (1)
Deji Adewale
Yes, Godly fabor cannot be bought, lobbied or fought for. It's God's prerogative.
Good message. Thanks Mercy Seat.