From Our Pastor’s Desk – November is Our Month of God’s Perfect Timing
Welcome to this Our New Month of God’s Perfect Timing, in Jesus name. God has a fixed time for everything. Eccl.3:1—”For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven” God plans His time and keeps to it. God is a Master Planner.
John Maxwell concurs with Solomon in his “Law of Timing” that there is a time/season for everything.
We are beings of times and seasons. Whoever controls our times & seasons controls our destiny.
Time is essential to our lives. We plan our lives based on time. But with all this planning, & “time management” we are left, most times, “waiting”.
We wait on life; we wait on God for answers to prayers, for healing, promotion, relationships, etc. And nothing is more irritating to us than waiting. Why should we be waiting? The answer lies in God’s perfect timing. He is never early or late.
God will bring the right persons & right things into our lives at His right time. We should always believe that. If they are not there, God isn’t finished yet!
We should not doubt, resist, or resent God’s timing when it doesn’t correlate with our plans, or desires. This month of God’s Perfect Timing, and beyond, God will order our times and seasons in Jesus name.
He will make ALL things beautiful for us, in His time, in Jesus Name.