Joy to the World – IMPACT YASM Sunday
By Sis. AnuOluwa Oyetoran
I saw a TED talk a couple of days ago that had a lot of views, it was titled “where joy hides and how to find it”.
Everyone is constantly looking for joy but only few seem to find it. So then, what is this joy that seems so difficult to find? Is it a feeling? A choice? A destination?
Is it waiting in our next career move? Our next accomplishment? Our next relationship? Or is it to be developed? Is there a secret to joy?
One thing that is certain is, God wants us, His children, to have Joy – John 15:11 says “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete”.
He wants us to have abundant and complete joy. So then, the joy God wants us to have must be different from the fleeting emotions that come from the material things we possess.
Therefore, I put forth to us that joy is a supernatural delight in the soul produced by the Holy Spirit as He causes us to see the beauty of Christ in the word and the world.
The joy God wants us to have is rooted in eternal things that cannot change and it can only be found in Christ Jesus. Psalm 16:11 says in God’s presence there is fullness of joy.
May we truly experience the fullness of joy, as we come to His presence, in Jesus mighty Name. Amen.
You will have a great turn-around this 2020.
Remain blessed.