
June 2018 – Our Month of Total Obedience

From Our Pastor’s Desk

Welcome to this Our New Month of Total Obedience, in Jesus name. John 2:5–“His mother said to the servants, Whatever He says to you, do it.” 

The mother of Jesus knew the secret of receiving miracles, which is simple total obedience. At the wedding in Cana in Galilee, the hosts ran out of wine to serve the guests.

Jesus asked them to fill all the water pots to the brim with water and they did. They received a miracle as the water turned into wine, saving them from disgrace & humiliation.

If we, likewise, desire to receive a miracle in any area of life, financial, physical, spiritual etc, all we need to do is to obey God. In 2nd Kings 5:10, God did not ask Naaman to do a hard thing or pay a costly price to get healed. Anything God requires from us is something we can afford to do or give. He will not make impossible demands of us. Yet, as simple as His demands may be, some people still find it difficult obeying them. What simple instruction have you failed to obey?

Need a miracle like Naaman? Need a miracle like that of the marriage of Cana in Galilee? Then whatsoever Jesus saith unto you, DO IT. Isaiah 1:19 – “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land…” As you obey the Lord this Month of Total Obedience, you will receive your miracles. Whatever it is that you’d consider to be your own special break-through,

He will release upon you, in Jesus Name.

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