Let it Go
By Deaconess Ronke Ademosu
As true believers, we are God’s trees and He is our Righteousness. As such, His expectation of us is to produce good fruits.
The Bible talks about the great and mighty trees like the: Fig, Cedar trees of Lebanon, Sycamore, Oak, the Tree of Life of which Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden of Eden. John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches: He who abides in me and I in him bears much fruits, for without Me, you can do nothing.”
Christ is our All in All, the absence of which we are non-existent as believers. He is our Savior, Hope and in Him alone, we live right and are justified. Hallelujah! If we claim to know God who is our righteousness, why are we not manifesting His desires?
Did you say sin? Obviously yes, sin easily comes to mind. Our Pastor preached about why we sin last week, now, let us look inward and check some areas we ignorantly or deliberately overlook and assume not relevant to producing good fruits as God has ordained.
Shall we then allow anything to separate us from the love and promises of God? Like Apostle Paul, there should be nothing! Therefore, open your heart to God today, LET GO of everything that can debar you from your destiny, enter into your God ordained righteousness and start to blossom like a tree planted by the river side, in Jesus Name. AMEN.
You will have good success this 2019.
Remain blessed.