bible, disaster, faithful, husband, love, marriage, wedding, wife

Part 2 – Morning After the Wedding Day

By Pastor ‘Deji Adewale

Marriage is a life-long, solemn covenant between a man and a woman. This bond lasts till death do them part.

On the other hand, wedding is the solemnization of the love between a man and a woman before God and the people. It marks the beginning of marriage.

We talk of married life and wedding day. Marriage begins with wedding and ends at death. Wedding begins at the church or any other designated place and ends there.

When wedding ends, marriage starts. It is during wedding that the man and the woman exchange their marital consent and they promise to be faithful to each other till death.

The wedding transforms the man and the woman into husband and wife. Before the wedding, they were two mathematically. After the wedding, they become one spiritually.

That is why the Bible says, ““They are no longer two, therefore, but one”“ – Mark 10:8.  So, the morning after the wedding day, as the couple wakes up, the reality of the actual marriage journey really begins.

All invited guests, parents, best man, chief bridesmaid, groomsmen, bridal train, musicians, minister…all are gone. And they are on their own. So, my Couples & Intending Couples, let people say, “their wedding was a disaster”. BUT, let NO ONE say, “their marriage was a disaster”. NO one will have any reason to say so about your marriage, in Jesus Name.

You will have good success this 2017.

Remain blessed.


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April 7, 2017

Concep, well explained. More grace pastor. what is your opinion about Pope Francis' Amoris Laetitia
Not to start unnecessary conversation though intellectual, do you see the pope as an authority figure for the Christian faith?


Deji Adewale

April 8, 2017

Thanks for the question.
The Bible tells us “In His light, we see light” Psalms 36:9. That means Jesus is the authority figure & standard for the Christian faith.
All of us – Pope, Bishops, Pastors, Reverends, Rabbis etc, we have lowered God’s standard, in one way or the other, so we can "play the game". And when we play at our level, we say we are good at the game, we say we are righteous. You cannot bring God’s level to your level.
Not even to any Pastor’s or Pope's level. Not even apostle Paul’s level.
The standard & authority figure of the Christian faith is Jesus Christ, the Messiah Himself, & He doesn’t lower it for anybody. Thanks.
