Strengthen Thy Brethren
From Our Pastor Mrs’ Desk
We are set up in His power, might and strength to be a blessing to others, to strengthen our brethren.
Strengthen them, build them up, speak for them, empower them, intercede for them, for the service of the Lord, comfort the feeble minded, support the weak, and make straight paths for their feet.
Hebrews 12:12 “Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees.”
We are to help, pray, support others, and to empower others.
What does Intercessory involve?-
Faith with works.
By living a pure, godly life, you can lift up the fallen.
Render a helping hand, give money, food, your talent, time, treasure.
Speak a kindly word. 1 Samuel 16:17, Matthew 19:14
Pray for others. Matthew 19:14 & 15
Cover other’s nakedness. Gen. 9:23
Be friendly! Do good unto others. Show people ways, release information that will benefit others.
Look for what is good and pure and true; talk about things that are lovely and of good report (Phil. 4:9).
Praise someone.
Rejoice and express your pride in someone’s success. Let them know how proud you are of them. Celebrate somebody else’s success.
Seek to bring a smile to a sad face. Esther brought smile to the faces of the whole nation.
If you do these things, you will “strengthen/empower thy brethren,” but do you know who will be strengthened and built up more than anyone else? You!
The Lord strengthen you to strengthen others, in Jesus Name You will have good success this 2023. Remain blessed.