Abraham, body, broken, campaign, dead, faith, glory, God, government, poorer, promises, richer, Romans, wicked

The God who Fulfills Promises

By Rev. Dr. G.O Chuku

All of us have made promises and broken promises. Maybe we didn’t break all of them, but we did break some of them. We’re so used to politicians not keeping their campaign promises. We’ve seen government breaking their promises and failing the expectations of their citizenry.

When someone we love and trust fails to keep an important promise, it causes loss of trust. The vows of married couples – “I prom-ise to love you in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and to keep myself ever and only for you, till death do us part.”

When those kinds of vows and promises are broken, it leaves a trail of grief and pain. All these happen because human beings forget, are incapable, selfish and their hearts are wicked. Sometimes when they are able & capable, they are not willing. But we have a God who does not forget.

He is not only willing, He is able. One of God’s names tells us that He is able to do whatever He pleases, a name He first revealed to Abraham. He had promised to make Abraham the father of a great nation, and naturally Abraham needed a son in order for that promise to come true. Humanly speaking, Abraham’s body was (procreationally) dead.

But the Bible says he never gave a worry about the natural condition of his body. Likewise, Sarah’s womb was dead but Abraham never both-ered about it. In demonstration of the strength of his faith in the Lord God who had called him,

Abraham kept giving glory to God. Romans 4:21 says it all about what kept father Abraham going in his walk with God. It was a strong inner, unwavering persuasion of faith that whatever “God had promised, He was also able to perform.”

You will have good success this 2016.
Remain blessed.

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