
We Are Living Treasures

From Our Pastor’s Desk

No matter what our position in life may be, whether we are rich or poor, educated or uneducated, healthy or sick, powerful or powerless; these things are of little account in the currency of heaven.

What matters is that we believe in God. As Christians, we are His and are therefore very special kind of people. Living treasures.

This phrase (peculiar), as well as “holy nation” and “royal priest-hood”, as mentioned by Peter in 1st Peter 2:9-10, was in effect calling the church the true people of God. And we are His for the express purpose of showing forth His praises to others, so that they may hear about His Son Jesus Christ, the Savior, believe in Him and be saved.

 That is the measure and purpose of our calling. Never forget it. The true believer is one of the most privileged persons on earth. In the Kingdom we will all appreciate the full extent of this fact, which now we know only in part. 

Altogether, Christians form “a royal priesthood” with regard to unbelievers around us. Just as in Old Testament Israel, so it is in New Testament Church: each individual carries out that priestly calling according to his or her vocation. Not all have the same function, for we do not all have the same calling. 

We are chosen as kings, we are chosen as priests. God needs us, the people need us. We serve the “God of (Wo)man” that helps the “(Wo)man of God”. The Lord bless us as we step into our destined role of royal priesthood, in Jesus Name. AMEN.

You will have good success this 2019.

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