When God’s Got Your Back
By Minister Rowan Samuel
If ever there was a dysfunctional family in the Bible it was that of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
In this family was born a young man named Joseph and his brother Benjamin. Abraham lied about his wife Sarah, Isaac followed suit, and Jacob was the kind of guy you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley.
He was tricky from the womb and yet God said of this heel-catcher I love him.
Of Jacob was born the Twelve Tribes of Israel including his son Joseph who was very special to his father because he was from Rachel his special wife who he served 14 years to make her his wife.
Parents who openly favor one child over another are creating a problem. This became a problem for Joseph that his brothers wanted to kill him but God had his back so he was sold into slavery. God was however with him in Every Situation.
You will have good success this 2017.
Remain blessed.